Vote Jill Stein with the Green Party of Utah!
Utah Greens Support Jill Stein for POTUS and have elected Electors, Delegates and Officers.
The Green Party of Utah is proud to announce that Jill Stein has won all four delegate votes for Green Party of the United States Presidential Nomination! The GPUT delegates will attend the GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention on August 17. Visit Jill's website and support her campaign!
We are also pleased to announce the results of the other elected and appointed positions. Congratulations to everyone who accepted the nominations and were elected!
Lisa Donaldson
Adam Guymon
Tom King
Brendan Phillips
Matt Styles
Russ Wagstaff
Tom King
Adam Guymon
Dee Taylor
GPUT Coordinating Committee Positions
Executive Council
Dee Taylor
Russ Wagstaff
Matt Styles
Tom King
Other Coordinating Committee Positions
Adam Guymon
Russ Wagstaff
Dee Taylor (Alternate)
Lionel Trepanier, At-Large