Get ready for the Green Party of Utah April Nominating Convention!
More information about the schedule and other potential pre-convention activities on the same day are forthcoming. For now, here is what you can do to prepare! |
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The GPUT will hold its nominating convention on Saturday, April 27, 2-5pm, Meeting Room B, at the Salt Lake City Library Main, 210 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111. The convention is open to the public. Voting in the Presidential Preference Primary will be held in the days following the convention for registered Greens. The GPUT website has detailed information on how to participate. Here is an outline of that information.
Follow these stepsIf you are not registered as a Utah voter, be sure to register NOW and check "Green" so you can vote in the GPUT elections. Visit our Voter registration page to learn more.
1. Anytime between now and April 26, so that we have an idea of how many people will attend the convention, please complete the event registration form. You can show up in person without registering. Virtual participation requires registration and the information is at the above link. 2. Anytime between now and April 27, complete the 2024 GPUT Elections Voting Registration, which includes instructions on how to register to vote in Utah, if needed. 3. Anytime between now and April 27, use the nomination form to nominate yourself or other registered Greens for: - GPUT Officers and other positions - GPUT Electors - GPUT Delegates to the Virtual Green Party of the United States Presidential Nominating Convention 4. Starting now, become familiar with the Green Party Presidential Candidates. 5. Attend the April 27 convention, in person or virtually. 6. After the Convention all registered Green Voters that have registered to vote will be sent instructions to vote online for the Green Party Presidential Candidate Preference Nomination and GPUT positions listed above in step #3. 7. After the voting is over, celebrate, volunteer to work on the events leading up to the 2024 November elections, and continue to be involved in the GPUT! | |