Utah Ballot Access 2024
This page is for petitioners who will be gathering signatures for the Green Party of Utah for 2024
Instructions for Peitioners
Quarter page info flyer about the GPUT
A Green's Guide to Getting on the Ballot
Information for reference to answer potential questions
Missouri Green Party primer on petitioning
Literature downloads - for handing out
Thank you for gathering signatures for the Green Party of Utah!
We must gather 2,000 signatures from registered voters in Utah. Signatures must be holographic (physical) signatures, and digital signatures of any kind are not permitted. It is recommended that we collect more than 2,000 signatures because not every signature collected will be valid.
We have compiled petition packets that contain one cover page, multiple signature pages, and one circulator verification page (the file is saved on this page for download). Packets must be bound together prior to circulation (typically by spiral binding or three staples across the top), and cannot be taken apart or rearranged once they are bound.
The packet can be printed in black and white. We suggest 15 pages per packet, one cover, 13 signature pages, and one certification page. (capacity of 130 signatures) NOTE: We do not recommend double sided signature pages since the potential of bleed-through is possible, rendering signatures unreadable.
You cannot sign the signature page yourself in the packets you are circulating. To sign the petition as a registered voter in Utah, you will need to enlist others to help you gather petitions and sign one of theirs.
Voters must sign a petition packet for their county. Packets must be county specific.
Make sure to certify each packet once you are finished with it.
When you complete the packets, contact Dee Taylor (info below) to arrange a time to get the packets from you. NOTE: The packets cannot be turned into county elections offices. They must be turned in to the state elections office by the Interim Co-Chair, Dee Taylor.
From Utah's Elections website:
Petition circulators must be 18 years or older and residents of Utah. If a circulator does not meet these requirements, the signatures they gathered are not valid. A circulator does not need to be registered to vote; however, election officials can easily verify a circulator’s age if they are registered to vote.
Circulators must complete and sign the circulator verification page of every petition packet they use to gather signatures. They cannot sign the signature pages of any petition packets they circulate—they must sign a petition packet of another circulator if they wish to sign the petition. Each petition packet must be used by only one circulator. If you have multiple circulators, they will each need their own packet(s).
Please contact Dee Taylor at greenpartyutah@gmail.com if you intend to collect signatures (if you have not already done so) and/or with any questions.
You can use the informationbelow to document anything we need to know about, e.g. if someone wants to be contacted, unusual circumstances. Use the back if necessary.
Sample Script: Petitioner: Hi, my name is _______. I am gathering signatures of Utah voters to help get the Green Party of Utah on the ballot. We need 2,000 signatures for ballot access. Are you a registered voter in Utah? Do you support voter choice? Would you please sign our petition?
Do not spend too much time engaging people. You could refer to this document for some quick bullet points. Or the website at greenpartyutah.com
If someone wants to know how to get involved, direct them to the website and ask them to email the contact there.
If they choose to tell you something, listen politely and then move on.
If there is a confrontation, thank them and move on.
Be sure to thank them even if they didn’t sign the petition.
Volunteer’s Name: Dee Taylor Date:August 28, 2023
Optional notes
Event or Location
# Signatures
Fairpark Arts Festival
Contact Elmer Fudd, 000-123-1234 - interested in volunteering