​“Locals” and “Caucuses” refer to any grouping of Utah Greens wishing to organize, based on county, municipal, regional, identity or issue to carry out the work of the GPUT and are known in these bylaws collectively as “Locals”.
Requirements for forming a Local:
An application for a Local will be submitted,along with a copy of the proposed charter/bylaws with the Secretary/ies.
Charters must show a commitment to values espoused by the GPUT as well as the Ten Key Values of GPUS.
​Each Local’s charter must provide for its leadership structure, including a Grassroots Coordinator to the GPUT CC. (Providing autonomy for a Local’s leadership structure is in alignment with the key value of decentralization.)
The charter will be reviewed and the application either approved or rejected by a majority vote of the CC.
Identity/Issue-based Caucuses formed prior to the acceptance of these bylaws* amendments shall be grandfathered into the GPUT and will submit any revised documents within one year of the approval of these bylaws amendments.
*Those Caucuses include: -
Young Greens Youth Caucus
Green Women Rising Women’s Caucus
Disability Caucus