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It's a Wrap! Convention Day Success; Voting has Begun

Convention Day was a success, despite the rainy and cold weather.The technology worked well for the hybrid event, the presidential candidates were all able to join remotely. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the organization of the convention! #VoteGreen #greenpartyutah

Pictured above: GPUT Officers

Tom King-Treasurer, Dee Taylor-Co-Chair, Russ Wagstaff-Co-Chair, Adam Guymon, National Delegate. Not pictured: Matt Styles-Treasurer

Voting has begun!

Ballots for the GPUT Presidential Preferential Election and Party Positions have been sent to those who registered to vote in the elections. If you are a registered Green and want to have a voice, register now to vote by May 5! Voting ends at 11:59pm May 9.

There are three candidates seeking the Green Party nomination for President of the United States. They will appear virtually at the Green Party of Utah April 27 convention 

Keep reading for information.


Compare the candidates' answers to our questionnaire.


Willing to sign a pledge to not accept corporate (business) or PAC donations

Green Party Member, Massachusetts

Read Jill's answers to our questionnaire.


Willing to sign a pledge to not accept corporate (business) or PAC donations

Registered independent in the state of North Carolina

Green Party Member

Received the Unicorn Party's Presidential Candidate nomination and is currently pursuing the Presidential Candidate nomination from the Peace and Freedom Party.

Actively seeking nominations from several other political parties.

Read Jasmine's answers to our questionnaire


Green Party Member, California

Willing to sign a pledge to not accept corporate (business) or PAC


Read Jorge's answers to our questionnaire


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